Bharath Kumar

Bharath Kumar
Bharath is Security Engineer at PhonePe. Bharath is an open source enthusiast with a strong passion for information security and building solutions that solve real world problems.
Bharath is an Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) and AWS Security Specalist.
He has strong experience in client facing consulting assessments and building implementable automation tools to solve the security needs for companies and organisations in sectors ranging from financial services to healthcare.
Bharath is an active member and contributor at various security and developer communities including null open security community.

Talk / Workshop

Attacking applications and servers on AWS

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is de facto the most popular cloud service. Due to the prevelence of AWS, there is a need for security testers to learn how to effectively attack and test their AWS cloud infrastructure. In this training, we will take an attacker's approach to AWS security where you'll get to create your attack arsenal that is AWS specific, get a distilled deep dive into AWS services and concepts that are essential for performing a security assessment/audit of AWS based infrastructure.

The training is meant to be a hands-on with guided walkthroughs, scenario based attacks, coverage of tools that can be used for attacking and auditing. Due to the attack, focused nature of the training, we will not spend a lot of time on defence aspects such as security architecture, defence in depth etc. While mitigations will touched upon, we will nnly point out to the relevant AWS/third-party documentation for further self-study.

We expect the trainees to bring their own AWS account for the training

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